Really good post for a number of reasons. Obviously who can't relate to being stuck in a travel delay not caused by your own doing.

But the larger meaning of seeking out other connections is huge. It's something I have been doing a lot of over the past month plus. It's been enlightening. I wrote something on the day after the election around you can't lead with "you're a [blank] because you voted for [blank]." It's not helpful--you're not interested in bringing different world views into your tent and you're limiting your opportunity for increased community.

Unfortunately right now, I'm seeing more of the demonization than the willingness to understand perspectives. We all lose when that happens.

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Thanks for the note, Jill. I hear you about it being so easy to fall into the category of judgement and the larger tendency toward demonization. I've been working on myself here and trying to encourage others to join me, hoping it doesn't feel too alienating or judgmental in the process. Showing up with curiosity is really helping me, and minimizing contact with black/white perspectives (which, sadly, so much of our news and social media only perpetuates). Thank YOU for doing what you're doing, and I love the prompt you've written here about not wrapping identity into this. Please keep doing your work, and I'm happy we can support each other through it!

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Always open to the conversation. Recording something on this tomorrow!

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