One of my favorite quotes from Brené Brown is from her book Dare to Lead. It couldn’t be more simple: “Courage is contagious.”
Stepping into courage is more than just an individual act – there’s a broader cascade that happens when we do the things that scare us. We both prove things to ourselves, and reassure others that broader possibilities exist as they see us doing the things they’re hesitant to do.
When we get out of our comfort zone, we’re creating an environment where courage flourishes. Things that felt quite daring become less so, and we acclimate to the braver world in which we’ve arrived. So we continue to push ourselves into new spaces, exploring new things. This isn’t a place we want to keep to ourselves . . . we want others to thrive in it as well.
Let’s also remember that others need encouragement, too.
In this week’s episode of The Courage Effect with sports photographer Elsa Garrison, she talks about having the gumption to say “watch me!” in response to being told that “chicks can’t shoot sports” by a fellow student in college(!), and the importance of looking beyond herself to ensure she’s supporting others to realize their dream job as well:
“If you break down a barrier and you’re able to break through a door, leave that door open and bring more with you.”
Pulling the same thread, I’m also reminded of something Wayne Kimball, Jr. shared in our conversation earlier this year in our June 7th show: “No matter how successful you become, no matter what level you get to in your life or professional career, just remember to send the elevator back down.”
So my challenge for each of you reading and listening . . . How might give rise for others to be more courageous?
Give these episodes a listen here on your favorite platform:
And if you like what you’re hearing, I’d love for you to follow/rate/share . . . helps to spread the word and inspire more courage!
Show notes
About Elsa Garrison:
Check out Elsa’s website
Follow Elsa on Instagram and more amazing women’s sports photography at @womeninsportsphotography
About Suzanne Weller:
Find out more about Suzanne’s work at Weller Collaboration’s website
Read and sign up for Reimagine Growth, Suzanne’s blog.
Follow on Instagram at @suzannenweller
About the Show:
The Courage Effect is a production of Weller Collaboration, a team of talented leadership coaches, executive advisors, and facilitators partnering with individuals, teams, and organizations to transform leadership talent, cultivate agility, and achieve tangible results.